
SDMX vocabulary for beginners

In this course, you will learn about routine SDMX vocabulary to describe and define statistical data tables.

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This course, SDMX vocabulary for beginners, is intended for Data Producers (Methodology Adviser, Statistical Assistant, Statistician, Data Reporter…) as a way to introduce routine SDMX terms used to describe and define statistical data tables.


  • Learn how to describe a data table with SDMX terms.
  • Understand the main properties of SDMX structures.
  • Familiarise with complementary features for data tables.

In each module you will be asked a few questions to help you remember the contents and reinforce your understanding.

This course can serve as preparation before the .Stat Academy course An introduction to SDMX structural modelling for data producers.

Furthermore, it is a pre-requisite for the .Stat Academy course SDMX vocabulary for data managers.


Upon completion of this course you will receive a certificate of completion.




New course available: Disseminating data with an optimised end-user experience.

Take your SDMX data modelling to the next level and learn how to support the preparation of disseminated structures and data for an optimal experience in the .Stat Suite Data Explorer for all types of audiences.

In this course you will:

  • Understand the user’s expectations.
  • Get prepared to disseminate.
  • Understand the Data Explorer ‘magic’.
  • Disseminate a dataflow step-by-step.
  • Learn about the main use cases.